We'll start at the very beginning...


A self proclaimed nerd, mom to three daughters, wife to a IT nerd, teacher of middle school English, and lover of the written word in all its forms.

I don't proclaim to be unique in any of those statements, but I love reading and I love talking about reading. Because I teach middle school, I don't get to discuss great literary classics beyond an eighth grade level or books that may contain touchy/controversial subjects. My scope in my classroom is seriously limited and I find myself craving discussion. Why did the author write that way? What's up with not using quotations marks for dialogue? WHY DID YOU KILL THAT CHARACTER OFF???

My reviews:
I'll give quick summaries that don't spoil the entire book. I'm more than willing to discusses the endings of novels, or plot twists, but those will be located at the very end of the page with a clear warning for those who don't want to read on. Spoilers suck, and I hate them.
Since I teach my students how to become mini-literary critics, you'll be sure to find the same on here. It won't be exhaustive or pretentious; I hope to keep it as real as I can get. And let's face it, I'm a full time working mom of three; I don't have time to write pages upon pages of analysis anymore!

Let's Talk:
Probably the most important aspect in all of this is that I want you to talk with me about the books, essays, and poems I'll be sharing. If  you disagree with my opinion AWESOME, tell me what you think and show me a different point of view.
Think of this as a "stay-at-home book club". You stay in your pjs, type up a few words, sip on some delicious coffee, and we'll just chat in the comfort of our own homes!

Where to find me:
Instagram: Literary_Nerdism
Facebook: LiteraryNerdism
Is anyone on Twitter? Should I start that? That seems excessive...you let me know.

P.S. Did you sing the song when you read the title of this blog? If you did, we're new best friends.


  1. I totally sang the song! But I already knew we'd be best friends because...books. Obviously. I also have a nerd husband and regularly wonder wth authors are thinking. They are crazy. Oddly enough, I tend to have more to say about bad books than good ones. I can point out what I don't like a lot easier than I can describe why I liked it sometimes. Weird. Anyway, woo blog!

    1. Oooh I'm totally the same with bad books!


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